Not On Your Life!

Today, the challenge is to write something interesting about a tourist trap near me that I’ve never gotten around to visiting. First, I need to make a confession. Not only have I never taken the time to “experience” the “attraction” I will talk about, I never will.

Why, you ask? The answer is both simple and complex. First, if you look up attractions in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, one of the tourist draws with multiple variations and adaptations involves the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

I do not need to visit the book depository, the grassy knoll, or any of the other areas the travel industry promotes. I lived through the entire experience as a senior in high school. With a father in the news business and contacts in law enforcement, we got all the information, rumors, accusations, whatever before they made the television screen or the radio in some instances.

I have driven past the site of the assassination hundreds of times in the intervening years. Never once have I stopped to walk around or take pictures. I am not interested in playing tourist at a historical site like that.

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Only Five?

To some I am a contrarian. To others, I am a Wanna-Be punster. Still, to others, I am the master of Dad Jokes. So, when the writing prompt for the day is something such as, “List five things you do for fun,” the still active parts of my mind have a contest to see which can produce the most sarcastic, amusing, or startling list, thoughts, or blog.

If that seems strange, remember a couple of weeks ago I wrote “Playfully Speaking.” I can find something fun, amusing, or at least interesting in some of the weirdest situations. That’s partly because of the way I was raised, and surviving three decades of law enforcement taught me the value of gallows humor.

So, what five things do I do for fun? Well, it depends on the day of the week, the problems facing me that day, or who needs to loosen up a bit. For example, a couple of years ago, I injured my back to the point where I had to call an ambulance to get me out of bed and carry me down the hill from my house to the ambulance.

The head EMT could tell how much pain I was in and was very empathetic. He continually apologized for the fact he did not have anything in the ambulance strong enough to relieve my pain. So, every bump in the road elicited a groan and a grimace out of me.

But, before he could finish saying, “I’m sorry,” I’d tell him a war story or jokes about my twenty-year amateur rugby career and the injuries I survived. Those years helped me become somewhat accustomed to pain and discomfort. In every case, I had a story that made someone cringe while they tried to hide their amusement.

So the bottom line is this. I have things I do that meet the standard definition of fun for many folks. However, fun is a subjective feeling. Most of us cannot control our physical pain, but we can avoid having it destroy us if we can find humor in painful situations.

My weird sense of humor is one of the things that helps keep me semi-sane.

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Let Me Introduce You To Snoop Kitty

At first, today’s challenge left me a bit cold. We no longer have pets and are unlikely to have them again. As I told a friend some time ago, we’ve outlived too many pets. Besides, we live in a neighborhood brimming with pets, some of whom are sociable free roamers. I’ve even written about one of them a couple of times.

That is his name in the title of this piece. He is an outdoor cat who leaves home around dawn and returns home when he’s good and ready. His human mom is not too happy with him when he doesn’t come home on her schedule, but she’s learned to live with his resistance to punching a time clock.

Snoop loves our place, and we were his regular lunch stop for a time. However, he was having breakfast down the street, a snack around the corner, lunch at our place, and an early supper across the street. That made his return home time later and later.

Snoop is guarding some ice chests and patio furniture.

His humans asked everyone to stop feeding him so he would come home while they were still up and around to love on him. That brings me to the point of this piece. I wish I could make Snoop understand he’s still our favorite four-legged acquaintance, but we need him to quit hanging around so much.

If you’d like to learn more about Snoop and his antics, check out Snoop’s Fiefdom and Standoff on the Cul-de-sac.

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Confusingly Me

Today, I have been asked, or possibly ordered, given the tone of the prompt, to write about my first name. The instructions continued to include origin, etymology, significance, meaning, etc. The problem is, none of those things had anything to do with my mother’s decision to name me.

Mom named me after a German actor, Erich von Stroheim, and Stephen Foster, an American composer. I never heard or don’t remember exactly why she named me after those two guys. Whatever the reason, it set a conflict in motion that put me in an uncomfortable position long before I knew what an uncomfortable position was.

The problem was she and my dad lived with my grandfather when I was born. Grandpa Jackson had been a Navy man during WWI, and there was no way any grandson of his would be named Erich after a German, even if the German was an actor and acclaimed director who only played a soldier in the movies.

Eventually, a truce was declared in the Jackson household, and I was officially named Stephen Eric Jackson. Of course, Grandpa Jackson needed the last word, so he started calling me Stevie as he didn’t like Stephen for some reason. That went over with my mom like a lead balloon, and the battle was on.

She began to use nicknames for me, and neither of my given names was used again while living in that Jackson household. I was Butchie, George, Sam, Buddy, or whatever came to mind, but never Eric, Steve, or Stevie.

So, you see, none of the things people look up names for, such as entomology, history, etc., meant anything to me or my family. However, the fact that I did not know my legal name until I was sixteen led to some interesting and amusing issues later in my life. If I ever get through editing my memoir, maybe you’ll get a chance to read the story of why I use S. Eric Jackson as my proper name.

Here is one amusing, in a way, thought in closing. I was probably one of the few police officers in the U. S. who was hired with more aliases than many of the crooks he put in jail during his career.

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The Fantasy Zone: Dream Job

Okay! It’s Saturday. I’m in my home office pondering the question, “What’s your dream job?” All right, I’m not pondering it, as I already know the answer, “I don’t have a dream job.”

I did have dreams about certain jobs in my younger days. Until reality slapped me in the face in my senior year in high school, I dreamed of being in the U. S. Air Force and becoming a pilot. What could be greater than helping protect your country and fly through the clouds as part of your service?

When the pilot thing went the way of the wind, I still wanted to be of service somehow, so I went into law enforcement. Maybe I couldn’t fly at Mach 1 with my hair on fire, but I could drive fast, help keep my community safe, and play with guns!

My law enforcement career turned out to be interesting, fun, rewarding, and extremely educational in some ways. After law enforcement, I had other vocational experiences, but none were dream-job caliber.

I served as an adjunct professor at my Alma Mater for a decade. I also became a public speaker and life coach, ending my employment history as a real estate broker.

All of my jobs had positive and negative aspects. They were also educational. For example, they helped me understand there are no dream jobs. The dream part is what you do with the job, how you see it, and yourself.

The fun thing about my vocational odyssey was how various groups or entities received me. I have a wall full of plaques awarded to me because of one position or another. Some are serious, and some are fun. All are meaningful.

All of those acknowledgments make me feel good about the job I did. Still, they do not elevate my jobs or positions to dream status. The reality is the dream part comes from little or unexpected things.

In one case, a young man took part of his Christmas break from college to look me up at the police department. I had detained him and some others when he was a pre-teen. He wanted to thank me for how I handled him and his buddies. He credited me with helping him make it to college and be able to take the next step in his career goals. Click here to read that story.

I could share other stories about people I interacted with over the years. Many believed I helped them achieve their goals. However, the main point is this. It’s not a job that is great or a dream. It is how you perform it and how you handle yourself that leads to the satisfaction or dream part.

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It’s sadly funny that people from all over the globe are being asked to write about the question, “What makes a good leader?” Why is that funny, sadly or otherwise?

It’s funny for two reasons. First, I wrote about the subject, coming at it from a slightly different angle, late last year in a post titled; “Could Be, Should Be? I do not highlight leadership in that piece, but successful, true leaders have the characteristics mentioned in the post.

Second, is the fact WordPress allows its users to reach around the world with their thoughts. Having some direct experience with other countries as well as studying politics and governmental operations in other countries, it is clear leaders and leadership can vary culturally and geographically.

Even as I write this, and later when others read it, there is clear evidence available to anyone paying attention that humanity’s understanding of leadership varies tremendously from one country and time to another.

In closing the piece referenced above, I mentioned several people who were and still are considered successful leaders in their time. Then I mentioned a couple who were considered infamous leaders in their time. All had very similar leadership characteristics.

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Wow! When I saw today’s question, I thought, “That’s strange. How do you un-invent something?” Then I thought, where did the term un-invention come from anyway? Then I thought, what the heck kind of term is un-invent?

So, I checked the term out. My efforts were interesting, to say the least. First, I used the term uninvent as I had not noticed the prompt used “un-invent.” For some reason, the result was to change all the language on my screen to French. I could have taken the time to interpret some of the information, but I was fairly certain what I would find.

After a couple of tries, I managed to return the screen language to English. Then, I continued to investigate the question of where the term originated. My little investigation led to a post about twice this long, but after making several attempts to wrap it up, I realized this was, to me at least, an exercise in futility.

I don’t want to uninvent anything. If something is detrimental to me, you, or society in general, we need to meet it head-on and deal with it. Of course, the problem then is agreeing on which hot-button issue of the day needs our attention. So, my final thought for today:

l’idée de la désinvention est idiote !

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Positively Loved?

Today’s writing challenge is to share a positive example of where you’ve felt loved. As one might expect, responses have ranged from something akin to; no one’s ever loved me, to You can’t beat the love of a pet.

I can recognize and empathize with both of those positions. While I’ve never felt completely unloved, there were plenty of times when those who should have loved me didn’t. At least, if they did love me, they made certain I never felt it.

I noted in a previous post that I have a beautiful wife who loves me and beautiful daughters who are not ashamed to admit I was their father. That is a great feeling. Still, it is just a feeling.

So, what is my point here? Feelings are all we have. Whether one is an old retired cop who spent over three decades looking at everyone suspiciously or a young man who loves his puppy, feelings are all we have. Even if the feeling was wrong, as many of us learned the hard way, feeling loved is important.

I buried that feeling pretty deep as a child and later as a young man because of the way my family and others treated me. For years, I thought love was nonexistent, at least among humans. So, my relationships were often shallow and suspect.

Thankfully, some things I learned about loving others as a child never left me. I might have been unable to receive, but I remembered how to give and forgive. What I remembered kept me from hiding myself in my little fortress of suspicion and fear. Otherwise, I would never have been able to feel love again.

As I found out, with a lot of help, somewhere inside us, that innocent little child that the world attempted to destroy still exists. If that child is still with us, there is a chance to feel loved again. If I could, anyone can.

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A Question of Clutter

If someone asked you, “Where can you reduce clutter in your life,” what would you think? Many people reading this were asked that question recently. I received the prompt just before I went to bed last night.

Somewhere between reading it late last night and when I opened my laptop this morning, a synapse or two misfired. I remembered the question as, “What can you do to reduce clutter in your life?” Accordingly, my sarcastic persona kicked in, and my working title was “One Person’s Clutter?”

If you haven’t had your daily coffee to get your system going, that working title was a play on words. I was headed down the path of writing something, opining that one person’s clutter is another person’s treasure.

I can be forgiven for confusing the issue, as my thoughts were not on writing today. My thoughts were on the 6:45 am laser surgery on my dominant eye. In fact, I started writing the piece I deleted a few minutes ago in the waiting area of the surgery center.

Yes, I arose at 5:30 am this morning to brave a chill factor of -20 degrees Fahrenheit to make my appointment with my ophthalmologist. There, she would blast the inside of my eye with a laser. Since I had the other done last week when the temperature was in the 50s, I was prepared but still concerned.

When your high-priced doctor is sitting there looking through a high-powered microscope shooting laser beams into your eye, and the equipment chirps every time she pulls the trigger, you feel like a character in a video game. Of course, this is after she places a “lens” on your eyeball that pries your eyelids open and makes everything look even weirder.

All right! Enough whining about my ophthalmology assault and the resulting confusion of my septuagenarian brain. Let’s get back to where I can reduce clutter in my life. First, though, we need to clarify what we mean by clutter.

As any red-blooded American male who loves cars or motorcycles knows, you never throw away anything related to the maintenance or repair of a vehicle. You will need it the day after you toss out the unused whatever. Then you will drive to a hardware or auto parts store and be forced to buy twenty of whatever you thought you didn’t need.

I tell my wife, “Honey, it’s not junk or clutter; it’s an emergency backup item in a disaster. The same goes for the boxes full of computer and video-related items stored under the table in my home office. I can sell some of those things online, or someone might need one, and I can help them. They’re not junk or clutter. They are potential garage sale items or replacements for something that might break down.

Of course, there is one area of my life I could take a close look at that would help with some forms of clutter: extended family and friends. However, I haven’t found the best way to approach that subject with my wife.

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Animalistically Speaking

I’m not certain I have ever been asked the question, “What is your favorite animal?” However, the challenge today is to answer that question, and unlike some such questions, there was no hesitation when I thought, humans!

The funny thing is that my answer would have been the same if the question was to identify my least favorite animal. If your response to my words so far is negative, I can certainly understand.

Most of us do not look into the mirror every morning and think, I am an animal. Nor do we look lovingly at our children and think., “Those are little animals.” At least, we don’t normally think of them that way.

On the other hand, I’m fairly certain my parents and some of my teachers in my younger days thought I might be a throwback of some sort. I certainly thought my little brother was an animal at times.

So, why would I claim to have chosen humans as my favorite animal? Well, the simplest answer is it was a copout of sorts. After all, did the person posing the question mean my favorite animal to roast in the oven or perhaps grill in the backyard? If I’d gone down that route, it might have upset those who feel it is wrong to consume animals.

Of course, claiming humans are animals could offend some who believe humans are not animals because they were created by God. For the record, I believe humans were created by God, but I also believe He created the other animals as well. He just made us special, and I fear He might regret that at times. And that takes me back to the point of this piece.

Humans are my favorite animals because we are different from other animals. Whether that difference is good or bad is hard to know for certain. However, my understanding is the Bible makes it clear. Humans will be judged at some point in the future, and I feel many of us will be judged unworthy of entering God’s Kingdom.

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